Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I am 
now treating, and the dr said to me 
"He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more 
risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am 
hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must 
stink. Actually, I said, he is very good 
with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important 
than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he 
tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for 
me not to put him under!!!" Am I 
wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for 
more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, 
now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they didn't catch this OR the 
fact that they told me today that he 
has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his 
mouth and listened to his heart so what the 
heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram. Said the murmur and the 
eye infection AND the gingivitis 
could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing 
well, any words of advice/guidance? I 
have to start brushing his teeth too.

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