Tonya, I really know what you mean.  I have a bunch of health problems myself (endometriosis, polycystic ovaries syndrome, gastritis, depression, had anemia last year which I hope is better...).  I seem to only be able to medicate myself properly and get myself to the doctor when the animals are doing relatively well.  As soon as I have a long regiment of pilling or vet visits or special diets to make them, though, my own regimen goes down the drain.  It's like my brain can't hold that long a to do list and my own treatment gets dropped.  I only remember all of it when I remember to write a long list of who gets what when-- and put myself on it!  I usually do remember my necessary meds, but I often forget my supplements and vitamins and herbs and stuff...
In a message dated 2/4/2006 4:46:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thank you everyone for your well wishes.  I've conquered the anemia, had the hysterectomy, am halfway moved in, and hopefully will get the thyroid going.  You just all know how it is when you have a zoo to take care of.  Between work and just basic care of my guys it's a lot of work.  I'm either working, taking care of the critters, vegging out on this computer, or sleeping.  That's basically it except when I'm on vacation in the summer.  Summer will come.  Summer will come!  And yes, the only bills that get paid are the ones I can pay online. lol.

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