Hi Tonya & All,
He had diarrhea for 10 or 12 days, and I mean continuous diarrhea, it was ozzing out involuntarily whenever & wherever. It has been under control since this last Thursday so for the last 5 days he hasn't had it. Since Friday he has lost 4 more ozs., and is getting bonier. She did say that the steady diarrhea could definately have something to do with it, but if you could see the difference in just the last wek you would know why I feel something else is going on. His last bloodwork is better, that what's so puzzling. He isn't dehydrated, I've been giving him fluids every other day and each time we have gone to the vets, she said he is not dehydrated. His blood pressure came up to normal (120), it was at 80, so we just don't get it. She did say this is her first case of this type of anemia and she really doesn't know what to expect as far as symptoms and progression.

She has a call into Greg Ogilvie DVM, he is an oncologist and leukemia related diseases specialist. He is out of town and should be back tomorrow so hopefully he will have some answers. She said from all she has read about this, it is usually seen in younger cats (2 to 4 yrs old, and usually in cats that were either born with the virus or got it shortly thereafter), so she is really surprised that Bailey has this type of anemia. Bailey was positive at 5 months of age so he was young when he was diagnosed and for all I know he may have been born with it he was a stray that showed up at the Walmart I was working at. I know we have been very lucky for 10 years but I'm greedy and want more ...

The bad thing is most chemos are not a good idea because of the fact that his bone marrow is already sick and chemos will make that worse, not to mention that chemo just hasn't been shown to be very effective with this type of leukemia, but she said there is a new chemo being tried for this that is in the trail stages and she is going to ask Dr Ogilvie about that too. I told her we have nothing to lose and at this point I am willing to try anything. We all know the out come here and if there is anything that may give us a fighting chance I'm all for trying it!!

What's strange too is there were no actual leukemia cells found, just preleukemia cells. She did find some info though that say's some cats can convert to active leukemia in a matter of months or even weeks, and that is a possibility. Another bone marrow aspirate would confirm that but I don't see any reason to do that since we would continue with the same treatment course either way.

I got the winstrol (antolobic steroid) tonight and will start it tomorrow, I sure hope it helps.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

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