Ginger did not seem right when I got home last night-- she did not come down to greet me as usual or ask for food. She did eat her dinner, though not all of it, so I thought I would wait until morning and see how she was. This morning she would not eat. She did chase a string, but afterwards was very sluggish and seemed sort of tender when I touched her, like it bothered her.  So I took her to the ER and had blood work and x-rays done. She was tender in the abdomen on palpation. Her blood work was normal except her BUN was a little low (14) which apparently can sometimes mean liver problems (but her liver values were ok) and her glucose was a little high (but in the range that it could be stress).  Her temp was 103.1, but her wbc's were normal. Her x-rays were odd, though. There were two white spots that the ER vet could not interpret. She thought they could be gall stones, or some sort of foreign object moving through her upper intestines. One one slide her left kidney looked larger than the right, also, but on the other slide it didn't. The ER vet wanted to keep her overnight and give her IV fluids and take x-rays again in the a.m. I took her home and gave her sub-q fluids instead, and will take her to the local vet in the a.m.  She ate a whole bowl of dry food when she got home.  I had given her pepcid and periactin before we left for the vet. I am not sure if she felt better, or those were working, or it was the adrenalyn from the vet visit that made her eat. I gave her fluids. She is laying next to me, and seems quite out of it. However, when Gray started printing something (she loves the printer), she shot up, jumped off the bed and onto the desk, and starting hitting the papers as they came out. Afterwards she seemed more tired than before, though, and seems really out of it again.
    I don't know what's wrong, and it's weird to have no clue. Right now I am glad she ate and hit at the printer, and guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow morning to get more answers (hopefully).  She is FeLV+ and almost 7 years old, so I am of course very nervous that her virus has been triggered.
    Please say a prayer of some sort for her.

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