
I don't know about the protein, but I am glad to hear
that Buster seems to be doing well as can be expected.
 I'll continue to pray for his improvement.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Buster went for another PCV and total protein on
> Thurs...His PCV was about the same around 21, but
> the total protein is around 5 now..So his vet upped
> the pred to 20mg a day..divided..Does anyone know
> why the total protein would be dropping or so low? 
> He seems to feel much better and is eating on his
> own now...I saw him go eat some dry food Thurs.
> before I took him to the vet..He ate some i/d wet
> food, too..
>   Here is his blood work from last week:
>   ALB  3.5 (2.2-4.4 G/DL)
>   ***ALP +169 (10-90 U/L)
>   ***ALT +763 (20-100 U/L)
>   ***AMY +1255 (300-1100 U/L)
>   TBIL 0.6 (0.1-0.6 MG/DL)
>   BUN 20 (10-30MG/DL)
>   CA+++ 9.4 (8.0-11.8 MG/DL)
>   PHOS 3.6 ( 3.4-8.5MG/DL)
>   CRE 1.0 (0.3-2.1MG/DL)
>   GLU 102 (70-150 MG/DL)
>   NA+ 145 (142-164 MMO/L)
>   K+ 4.6 (3.7-5.8 MMO/L)
>   TP 7.4 (5.4-8.2 G/DL)
>   GLOB 3.9 (1.5-5.7 G/DL)
>   Feline Hematology (CBC)
>   ***WBC -3.59 (5.0-18.0 m/mm3)
>   *** RBC -3.14 (4.09.0 m/mm3)
>   *** MCV +69.4 (35.5-55.0 fl)
>   *** HCT -21.7 (24.0-45.0 %)
>   ***MCHC -25.3 (28.0-40.0 g/dl)
>   ***RDW +14.1 (8.0-12.0)
>   *** Hb -5.5 (9.5-15.0 g/dl)
>   ***PLT
>   ***MPV +7.8 (4.0-7.0 fl)
>   Feline thyroid profile
>   T4 1.7 (1.5-4.8 UG/DL)
>   Diagnosis:  anemia
>   Rule out :  Hepatic Failure and/or hepatitis
>   He is on baytril and pred 20mg daily...He received
> another B-vitamin injection today.
>   Any help with all this blood work would be
> appreciated..I did leave off some of the CBC as it
> was all in the normal range.. He goes back for
> another blood test next Tues..
>   Thanks so much,
>   Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
> ---------------------------------
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