I am so worried, though the vets do not seem to be. We took her to a different emergency room at 5 am, one with a veterinary referral center during the day with internists, because she got almost completely limp.  They put her on IV fluids and by the time the internist came in at 8 he apparently thought she looked fine. The ultrasounded her and did not see anything wrong or any objects in her, only thing was her bile looked thick around her gall bladder, which is apparently common in some healthy cats as well. They x-rayed her and did not see the white circles anywhere.  They gave her a shot of pepcid and an antibiotic shot, and fed her half a can of fancy feast salmon which they said she ate hungrily. The internist said he could keep her another night on IV fluids but that it was ok to take her home. He said three things could be the case: 1) that she ingested something that is making its way out of her system now through her intestines and that it gave her a stomach ache and she just still does not feel great, 2) she has some kind of virus or low-grade bacterial infection that did not raise her wbc, or 3) she has some sort of cancer that they can not see, but he did not think it was this because there were no clinical signs and because she perked up and ate just from pepcid and IV fluids.  He did not do blood work again, but went by the blood work from yesterday morning. We went to get her, and she did not look right, but was brighter and trying to get her bandage off and walked around the room a little, so we took her home. Upon getting in the car, she climbed on my lap and bascially passed out asleep. When she got home, I put her on a bed, and she fell asleep stretched out flat on her belly with her face down in the covers.  She has been like that ever since. We called the internist after a couple of hours, and he said to give her more time, that she is probably just tired and finally able to sleep now that she is home, and to call back if she seems weaker. Well, about an hour ago I tried to give her food and she gave one lick, then stood up and fell over sideways. She got up again a minute or so later and went to jump off the bed, so I took her and put her in the litter box, where she immediately sunk into a laying down position and peed, and then just continued to lay there. I picked her up and put her back on the bed, but she got up and wanted down, so I put her on the floor. She took two steps and collapsed on my jacket, and has been sleeping there ever since, again flat on her belly with her face in front of her in my jacket. Her breathing is a little fast, but not much (36 breaths per minute, normal is listed as 20-30 per minute).  I called and tried to talk to the internist again to ask him if this is what he meant by weaker, but he would not get on the phone with me and told them to tell me that if I think she is worse and am not comfortable having her at home to bring her in.  I don't know what to do. They seem to think there is nothing wrong because there are no clinical signs and she ate while there, and I think all they will do if I bring her back in is give her IV fluids, which the internist said can not have been the difference between her being alert at the vet and collapsing in the car because she would take a few hours for the effects of IV fluids to wear off. 
   I did give her periactin yesterday morning trying to get her to eat, and I gave her a full dose (because she had taken it in the past without problem, but I am not sure if it was a full dose or half dose, as I am usually very cautious with periactin), and Gray thinks that perhaps the Periactin combined with her not feeling good from something and exhaustion of going to 2 emergency vets in 24 hours and having blood drawn, 2 sets of x-rays and an ultrasound just might be making her feel completely exhausted and weak. 
   What do you think I should do? If she really is just totally exhausted, I do not want to cart her an hour back there and have her put in a cage and hooked up again.  They also were really bad at keeping me updated or returning my calls.  But I am scared, too, because she looks like she is dying. Except she is not throwing up, having diarrhea, panting or gasping, and she ate half a can of food before leaving the vet this morning... But Gray just printed some things out, which even yesterday afternoon made her jump off the bed and run to the printer to play with it, and she did not even register that she heard it.
    Please say lots of prayers for her.  She is almost 7, which makes me anxious as she has been positive most if not all her life.  The internist said there was no evidence that was is going on has anything to do with her FeLV,  but I am scared. 
In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:02:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Please let us know how Ginger's visit to the vet
turned out today.  She and you are in my prayers.  I
hope she gets to feeling better soon!


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