It  still goes  through my mind that maybe I could have done just one more thing for my Maizee Grace,tried something different.But I also tell myself that I would not wanted to have put her through anymore tests and stress.She went through 6 months of chemo and I just could not put her thorough anymore than what I did.She was such a brave girl and a bit feisty through the whole time.I dreaded the day when enough was enough,but I did it for her,when I looked into her eyes and didn't see that beautiful spark she always had,I knew it was enough,and it came on very sudden,she was her normal playful self on a friday and by monday she was out of it.She had lymphoma and it must have came out of remission.I still miss her so much,I am crying right now.It is so hard to admit that we do what is best for our babies.The wonderful people here have helped me so much to deal with my pain,I hope they can do the same for you.My Maizee has been gone since Nov.15 and I still cry many times.Hang in there,you did your best.Hugs to you.

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