Well, Bandy seems to be holding his own with this new eye infection..We can't give him the eye meds with the dex in it since he has an ulcer on that eye so I am using the non-steroid drops which seem to work much slower...I do hope we can get on the other soon as it does seem to work much faster...
I have asked my vet about giving him immuno-regulin, sub Q, but since I have read Michelle's post, I am not so sure either...She didn't want to stress him so much by doing it IV so I don't know what to do..She did want me to find out all of your protocols so we can study it first..I will look thru the archives to see what is there, but if any of you have some suggestions for us, we would appreciate it..
Buster isn't doing so well right now...She aspirated the lymph node and sent it to an oncologist, I think...She didn't seem to think it was lymphoma since no other nodes seemed to be enlarged just the ones in his neck...He is eating some, but not much..He will drink chicken broth and eat a/d..I gave him a little fancy feast and he did nibble at it some...He is drinking and using the box, but seems to tire out really quick..He will still come to me and get in my lap...He justs wants to lay there.  He is just staying in his bed next to Bandy.  Buster is on baytril and 20mg pred a day still for now...He doesn't have a temp either...so any other thoughts on all of this would be appreciated...I don't know what to do..
Our best to all of you and your furr-babies...
Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal

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