I had to take Buster back to the doctor today as he wouldn't eat and was very out of it.
He did have some temp today of 102.5 which isn't bad.  He just wouldn't eat or drink today so I thought it best to take him back.  He received 2 antibiotic injections and a dex injection.  He also got 200cc of fluids...So maybe some of this will help.  He still won't eat so I gave him some transdermal appetite stimulant.  They did a PCV and total protein...PCV was 20 but total protein was 4.0 which isn't good...She is going to  call on Tues to see if they have checked the side she sent on Sat..and try to hurry them up with that..The node on the left side seems to be smaller while the other one is the larger and still about the size of a grape..All other abdominal nodes seem to be regular size when she checked them..My kitty that had lymphoma had large abdominal nodes and not the neck ones so maybe with any luck we are dealling with a bad infection of some sort...
Please everyone pray for my Buster..He is my baby of my older kitties...He will be 14 on March 30..
I will suggest the immuno-regulin for 2 treatments like Michelle suggested. 
Thanks so much,
Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal

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