Barb, Thanks for the info.


--- Barb Moermond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cindy,
>   I don't know if the Hills SD is comparable to the
> Royal Canin s/d, but the RC s/d is a temporary diet
> (3 wks ish) designed to lower the pH of the urine in
> order to dissolve the struvite crystals.  The Royal
> Canin s/o is designed to normalize the pH of urine;
> keep it in the neutral middle to prevent struvite
> (high pH) and/or oxalate (low pH).  Smoky's first
> episode (very bloody urine, no crystals, no
> bacteria) was in January of last year (2005) and he
> did very well with his diet about half s/o, half
> other (CA Natural, Eagle Pack).  Then the Tuesday
> before Thanksgiving, we had to go to the ER, again,
> no crystals and no bacteria, but enough blood to
> have the urine sample clot in the tube.  Symptoms
> again on December 8.  This time there was struvite
> and bacteria.  The first abx didn't work, so tried
> 2nd, that did.  He was still on the medicine and
> diet for the dec 8 outbreak when symptoms popped up
> again on Dec 22.....  no crystals and no bacteria. 
> You can see my eye twitching by this
>  point, can't you.  My poor boy was miserable during
> those outbreaks and even though I was doing
> everything I could afford to do, I felt helpless. 
> He then was blocked on Feb 14 - another trip to the
> ER.  THAT was scary, he was so not himself.  So,
> diet is no longer half s/o, half other - it's
> completely s/o and we upped his
> glucosamine/chondroitin dosage (1 capsule of reg
> strength human stuff per day) and so far, so good.  
>   Here are a couple of suggestions we got, if only
> $$ weren't an issue.
>   Do thorough baseline testing and start him on
> amitryptyline (available as a transdermal gel) to
> ease stress.  Stress can make bodies do very strange
> things - it tends to raise the urine pH and then you
> get struvite.
>   Have an ultrasound done to see if there are any
> stones or crystals in the bladder that could be
> causing the irritation to the lining.  If yes,
> possible surgery.
>   With really bad cases, there is a procedure where
> the urethra/penis is replaced by a larger diameter
> tube to help prevent blockage.  Part of the problem
> with multiple blockages is the build-up of scar
> tissue.
>   Hope that gives you some ideas to take to your vet
> and discuss:)  I really recommend adding the
> glucosamine/chondroitin - it might help and it can't
> hurt.
>   B
> cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Barb, I have a cat named Winston that has had the
> same
> type of urinary issues. What has your vet done for
> Smoky? I had to change Winston's food to Hills SD
> and
> we haven't had any problems since October. I didn't
> know if there was anything else I should be doing. I
> hope Smoky has a good checkup this week.
> Cindy
> --- Barb Moermond wrote:
> > Thank Tonya,
> > I'm doing pretty well, just really really busy so
> > I've been lurking for the most part. Smoky has a
> > check-up this week for his urinary issues. He was
> > blocked last month - he was a very unhappy boy:( 
> > but that's what the emergency clinic is for and he
> > saw the same vet as before and was remembered:)
> and
> > his regular vet is awesome, so we're actually
> making
> > some progress managing his issues with
> interstitial
> > cystitis and also struvite crystals on occasion. 
> > Bandit is his usual irrepressible self:) very
> > sweet:)
> > 
> > hope all is well with you and your crew!
> > b
> > 
> > catatonya wrote:
> > Barb,
> > 
> > My condolences to you, and your mom and stepdad on
> > the loss of little Tigger. :(
> > 
> > I haven't noticed you around as much lately. How
> > are you doing yourself?
> > t
> > 
> > Barb Moermond wrote:
> > Hi all, it's been a rough week all over it seems. 
> > This morning, my mom and stepdad had their kitty
> > Tigger put to sleep. She was nearly 17 and had
> been
> > with them since early-mid kittenhood. One night
> > during a snowstorm, my stepdad had just closed the
> > shop and was standing at the truck door when a
> > little rub was felt on his ankle and tiny
> squeaking
> > was heard. This little white and buff kitten with
> > very noticeable injuries was at his feet. 
> > Naturally, he scooped her up and brought her home.
> > They called her Fart for quite a while - any of
> you
> > who have rescued mal- and/or under-nourished kits
> > know this well:) She was a very pretty kitty,
> small
> > head and delicate facial features, tiny feet,
> > looooong legs:) sort of built like a race horse. 
> > She was an excellent hunter and lap-warmer. But
> > those injuries had long-term effects. The soft
> > tissue of her right wrist had completely worn out
> > due to her limping from the old injury on her left
> > shoulder/leg. She was flat footed on that paw.
> > She also developed spinal arthritis, as another
> > kitty of my mom's had. With that, it's only a
> > matter of time before the nerves just don't work
> in
> > the hind quarters. Mom had tremendous guilt about
> > old Samantha; she'd waited far too long to help
> her.
> > Tigger hadn't progressed nearly as far as Sam had,
> > but she was declining rapidly. She wasn't playing
> > on her own anymore, and she'd previously spent
> hours
> > amusing herself with string tied to the back of a
> > rocking chair. She was allowing Bozo to groom her
> > for longer and longer sessions which was simply
> > unheard of - Bozo was an interloper, no matter how
> > many mice he caught for her! She also didn't know
> > whether or not she'd made it to the box - messes
> in
> > the vicinity etc. But what was far more worrying
> is
> > that when she did make it to the box and stepped
> in
> > a clump, she couldn't feel the debris on her foot
> -
> > which of course dried on like cement - and
> therefore
> > wasn't grooming her feet. The deafness she'd
> > developed and the weakening
> > eyesight weren't important, but when they lose
> > their grooming and their playing.... Tigger had an
> > amazing run of years considering the start she had
> > and fortunately, my mom will have no serious
> > second-guessing about doing it too soon (the vet
> > agreed with the decision, which helped) or guilt
> > about doing it too late and making Tigger suffer
> > unnecessarily (like with Sam). It's the hardest
> > decision we have to make, but the grief is worth
> it
> > - all the moments of joy and love far outweigh the
> > pain of losing a friend.. eventually anyway.
> > 
> > So Belinda, if you could please add to the FeLV-
> > list, Tigger, loved by Maggie and Dale. It was
> this
> > morning, March 4.
> > 
> > As always, I'm so glad I know all of you:) you
> > bring joy and understanding and compassion to the
> > world.
> > 
> > PS
> > Bandit says mmmmrrrrrrrrrppppppp to everyone
> > 
> > 
> > Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
> > 
> > "My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he
> should
> > impress. Merely living his life, doing what
> pleases
> > him, and making me smile." 
> > - Anonymous 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
> > 
> > "My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he
> should
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