I am sorry Stinky isn't doing well - I have had cats who eat like crazy but stay "skin and bones" thin - but I don't have any solution.  I bet others on the list will, tho.

cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I adopted my brother's cat Stinky back in November
2000 after my brother was killed by a drunk driver.
Stinky doesn't have feline leukemia but over the past
year she has been losing weight. In January she broke
her elbow and had to undergo surgery to put a pin in
the bone. She did good after the surgery but kept on
losing weight. I had blood work done and it came back
normal. Today I took her to the vet because I could
tell the pin had moved out of the bone somewhat. He
was concerned over how much weight she had lost so did
a test and he said she can't absorb fat when she eats.
He is going to get a biopsy of the intestines and he
thinks she may have cancer. I know nothing about this
does anybody have any experience with this? He told
me she might not make it through the surgery but if we
don't get this biopsy she won't make it anyway. She
eats all of the time but doesn't gain any weight. She
vomits sometimes.


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