Cute pics Becca!  I still can't get over Paassht and
Kroger's beautiful faces.  I hope this email finds you


--- Becca DuBose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Catching up on email...
> wendy wrote:
> >Kroger looks just like Paassht-she's such a cutie. 
> >Did you find her in the Kroger parking lot?
> >
> She was from a litter of kittens dumped there.  The
> manager brought them 
> in and was giving them away along with little paper
> sacks of chow.  My 
> precious Tigger had died suddenly the day before and
> an ex-boyfriend was 
> in the right place at the right time.  I would
> despise him, but I can't 
> completely because he brought me Kroger and she in
> turn gave me Paassht 
> to love.
> We are still missing her very acutely.  The house
> has never been so 
> quiet...we had never lived here without her until
> now.  Kroger is 
> spending a lot of time sitting with me and Corky and
> Chandra have been 
> sleeping on our pillows, but no one has stepped up
> to the task of 
> warming my shoulder.  Here is a brief introduction
> of my gang, everyone 
> but Io has a picture at
> Oliver Twist - 13 yrs in July.  Dumped as a kitten
> in 100+ degree heat, 
> then luckily found and brought to me by a friend. 
> Red & white tuxedo LH.
> Sierra - 12 years in July.  Adopted from a local
> shelter as a pup.  
> Labrador Retriever/American Eskimo mix, vastly
> outnumbered and probably 
> a little confused.
> Corky - about 16 years, adopted in 2000 at age 10
> because her owners 
> decided to travel after they retired and made no
> provisions for their 
> cats.  Fortunately the neighbors were looking out
> for them.
> Kroger - 10 years, see above.
> Sonic - exact age unknown, almost 7 years with us. 
> She was living 
> underneath a storage shed in the Sonic parking lot
> and we convinced her 
> to get in the car and come home.  Pastel red & white
> bobtail, v. round!
> Chandra - exact age unknown, just over 6 years with
> us, shelter "impulse 
> rescue" (I picked her up just to give her some love
> and she hugged my 
> neck!).  Grey tabby with huge golden eyes, hence I
> named her for the 
> Hindu moon god.
> Io aka "Baby Bear" - almost 5 years.  Rescued as a
> kitten from the verge 
> of a busy freeway.  Tiny, shiny black with a very
> Siamese-y build.
> Kerby aka "Little Man" - just over 1 year.  Rescued
> from the kerb in a 
> friend's apartment complex.  We think he was waiting
> for us.  Silver 
> classic tabby, anything but little!
> And if you count the big semiferal neighborhood cat
> we feed when he 
> shows up hungry on our front steps, Buddy, who
> started letting us pet 
> him in 2004.  It's now to the point where I can pick
> him up and give him 
> a brief exam ("Buddy Check") to look for new
> injuries...he is, erm, 
> intact and very much a fighter.  If I'm quick about
> it I can put a 
> little Bag Balm on his wounds.
> Becca

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