No, you got it right!  :)  I know that there is sometimes a little
confusion with the two "Jens" on the list!  :)  I just have the one "n"
whereas Jenn has two which I'm attributing to the double duty and then
some that she does for Rescue!  Jenn never ceases to amaze me in what
she does for our furry friends who need all the help they can get!  :)

I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies!  You've given me alot
to think about...I've also joined the FIV list on Yahoo!  Thanks for
that tip, Becca!

Jenn--that was the question I posed to my vet, but she never gave me a
clear answer as to who was more susceptible...perhaps I didn't word my
question very clearly to her as my mind was, of course, spinning with
the diagnosis!  It all happened so fast, they took the blood, then
minutes later someone was in the room with me looking for a retrovirus
pamphlet...I actually thought the pamphlet was for someone else!  My vet
didn't seem surprised at all that he tested positive for FIV and went
about her regular routine as if he just had a little cold!  ;)  This is
not to knock my vet, of course, she knows that I'll care for him's a relief having a vet who doesn't assume that these
viruses are an automatic death sentence!

She did, however, give him the FeLV vaccine...I'm not up-to-date on the
current thinking as far as FIV and vaccines...but I'm sure I'll learn
alot from the FIV list!

But it's like Jenn said, for me, it's quality not quantity...a life
separated or outdoors is no life for Chatty.  He wants to be inside next
to a warm body for whatever time he has left here (the vet guesses his
age at 9 years).  He is such a mellow guy...I don't anticipate any
problems on his end as far as biting is concerned.  I think I'll go back
to giving everyone interferon as I had stopped in order to have it as a
back-up in case anyone got sick.  But someone or something brought him
to our I'm counting on that individual to watch over us in
the meantime!  ;)

Thanks so much guys...I really appreciate the advice!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

----- Original Message -----
From: Becca DuBose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:44 pm
Subject: Re: Mixing FeLVs and FIVs?

> I think I addressed my last message to the wrong person - sorry!
> Just wanted to add that little Angel Paassht did not contract FIV+ 
> despite living under the same roof with Angel TorTor.  I wouldn't 
> bring Buddy in as long as we had Paassht so I suspect she "pre-
> approved" him and set everything up a couple of weeks ago.
> Becca
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A FIV+ cat is several times more likely to get 
> FELV than a negative cat, they have
> about the same chances as kittens in catching FELV (or any cat with 
> a weak or
> undeveloped immune system).
> That being said, you have to go by quality of life. Even IF he does 
> get FELV from
> mixing with your crew, would that be a worse fate then being left 
> out on the streets,
> or where-ever he came from to begin with?
> There's very little risk to you FELV cats, if that was more of the 
> question. FIV is
> ONLY spread through deep penetrating bite wounds. So long as you 
> aren't getting any
> cat fights there, then your FELV cats wont be in any danger of 
> getting the FIV from
> him.
> Jenn
> Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
> Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone 
> wrapped wire around
> his neck to strangle him,
> Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to 
> Vermont to find him a
> good home!
> DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a 
> digital camera (for
> pictures), and more towels!

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