Kerry, it sounds like you are doing everything possible.
I am wondering if a course of Immuno-regulin might help.  It has been successful in regulating the immune system of many positives.  I think it boosts the T cells, which control the B cells, which are the killer cells. I think that uveitis is an auto-immune reaction, where the body attacks itself and creates inflammation, so the B cells may be out of control. 
In a message dated 4/30/2006 9:01:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
He is on oral pred now..and has been since the first of March when all this started..We were trying to wean him off it the last week and now the vet in Dallas said we need to stay on 2.5 mg daily..He said sometimes these kitties with FIV and Felv just can't be turned around..the disease progresses no matter how much you he is on the pred drops 4x a day and atropine 2x a day...He said he would probably be on this for along time..It is going to make the ringworm harder to get rid of, too..or take longer...I think the ringworm is getting better...
Thanks for your continued support and prayers,
Kerry and Bandy

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