
What fantastic news!  Another major step in helping
educate the public on FeLV and it's valuable

Thanks for the hard work!

--- Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Belinda, Rebecca, Marylyn, Wendy,
> MaryChristine, Janine, Terri, Gloria,
> Becca, Karen and everyone --
> I heard some great news last night when I (finally)
> met up with the PAWS
> clinic director, Rochelle, to talk about my foster
> Pookie's mishandled
> euthanization by Family Pet.
> During the course of our conversation she began
> talking about the new PAWS
> shelter opening in Chicago next year, and so I asked
> *her* if an FeLV area
> was planned. (I had not said much to her about the
> phone call I had from her
> boss, PAWS' owner, Paula Fasseas, apart from the
> fact that I felt that it
> was a good conversation and didn't just seem like a
> token PR gesture.)
> I fully expected her to say no, or, we don't know
> yet, we're still working
> on it. But she said an unequivocal "Yes"! She also
> said that PAWS will be
> committing to paying medical bills for all FeLV cats
> they adopt out so as to
> encourage adoptions of FeLV cats.
> I tell you, it was hard to stop myself from bursting
> into tears.
> If this is true--and I won't really believe it till
> I see it--then this is
> fantastic news and I can hardly believe it. As you
> know (and for benefit of
> new listmembers) I had heard from 2 authoritative
> sources--one a PAWS
> adoption counsellor and the other the director of
> the Tree House
> shelter--that PAWS was not going to have an FeLV
> room. I intended to write
> the owner to try and get her to change her mind. So
> when she called me,
> about Pookie, and I got a rare chance to speak to
> her directly, she said (as
> if it was a whole new idea) well, we do have 2 spare
> rooms, so one of these
> could be an FeLV room...
> ....And now it seems to be actually happening!
> She will have all your testimonials by now...I hope
> they are used in the
> "education" program. Either way, I believe they
> helped tip the decision in
> the right direction.
> Will keep you posted on any further developments
> when I get back to Chicago
> mid-June.
> Thanks to you all for your input! hugs, Kerry

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