Signs of anemia. :(   I hope Ziggy feels better soon.

Nicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,
I know that it has been some time since I wrote anything although I have been keeping up to date by reading the postings each day.  I want to say that all of you who have lost fur babies since the last time I wrote you are always in my prayers and thoughts.  I do have a reason for writing this though and I hope it is nothing to get overly concerned about but I just do not know and hope someone can help me.  My furkid Ziggy is now a little over a year old and just in the past week or so he has begun licking my hardwood floors, my walls (both cement basement and those in rooms) in addition to licking the marble threshold b/w my bath and hallway.  He also seems to be sleeping a lot more and not as playful at all.  I have been keeping an eye on his litter box and everything was fine up until about an hour ago when he used it and I saw he has diarrhea (I had cleaned it right before he used it).  Are these significant symptoms of some aspect of this disease that I should be paranoid about? (I am paranoid already and have lost sleep the past two days anyway).  I do have a vet appt tom at 5:30 for him but am not sure what to do in the meantime.  Does anyone have any advice?  Thank you so much and I do hope that this is not something to be extremely concerned about but for some reason I do not have a good feeling...

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