Hello all:
It is with great sorrow that I had to make the ultimate sacrifice and allow my sweet, precious little Ziggy Mo go over the bridge at noon today.  He had not eaten in two days and his breathing became shallow, almost non-existent and he was barely able to get his head off of the bed.  My husband and I rushed him to the University of Pennsylvania Vet Hospital (the best in our area) early this morning and had to make the heart wrenching decision to let him go after he was in considerable pain and his PCV's were down right below 5, even after the vet took significant measures to try and bring them back up.  Basically he was fading fast even in their exam room.  I wanted to thank all of you for all of your kind words and support and advice in helping me with Ziggy.  I am sitting here in disbelief that my precious little boy of only 13 months was taken so quickly by the evil and vicious disease.  I am just hoping that knowing he is in a place where there is no longer any pain or suffering that I can ease my sorrow a bit.  I never thought it would happen so quickly and that I would have had more time with him.  My heart is aching with saddness and pain right now but I did want to let all of you and thank you for your kindness.  I do not know how all of you do this, some more than once but I say prayers every night for you and your furkids and all of the little angels, God Bless You All....
----- Original Message -----
From: wendy
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: Anemia


When my Cricket was first diagnosed with anemia, I
felt the same way you did.  This ominous feeling just
ate away at me the whole time he was ill.  It was
horrible.  But luckily, Ziggy is moderately anemic.
Cricket was severely anemic.  You have some time and
might be able to turn him around with the right
information and some help from above.  First, ask your
vet if he will consider Epogen, which has worked for
many kitties.  It stimulates the body into making red
blood cells.  Prednisone and ImmunoRegulin are also
right on track in helping to treat anemia.  Interferon
may also help, but definitely ask him about the
Epogen.  I would call the vet and ask what his exact
numbers are and let us know so we can better help
Ziggy.  You need to know if he has regenerative or
non-regenerative anemia.  Take care of yourself Niki.
If you get too stressed out, Ziggy will pick up on it,
and it will stress him out more, which will not help
him recover.  Get some sleep even if you have to drink
some wine or take a sleep aid to get there.  Eat to
keep your strength up.  If you aren't rested or taken
care of, your mind won't be in good enough shape to
make good decisions for Ziggy.  Don't be afraid to ask
for help or come her to vent or with questions.  We
have all been in the same position and know how
devastated you feel.  I hope this helps a little.  Do
you have the kitty manual that we send out?


--- Nicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all:
> I am not sure if my previous post went out correctly
> but if it did I have an update on Ziggy and really
> need some help on what to do.  Went to the vet
> yesterday who ran Ziggy's blood work which showed
> him to be "moderately" anemic.  Vet immediately gave
> him a shot of immon regulin (I believe) and then
> gave me predisone and and antibiotic along with a
> liquid appetite stimulant.  What his exact numbers
> were I am not sure as I was devastated by what the
> vet said.  Ziggy is still eating but is lethargic at
> times and shows no interest in playing with any of
> his toys.  Additionally, he licks the interior walls
> of my house intermittently and the marble threshold
> b/w my hall and bath.   I know I am in a daily fight
> for his life but I just can not seem to stop
> thinking that he is losing his battle.  My vet has
> also ordered Interferon for me so that I can start a
> regime of that.  I don't know what else to do and I
> do not know if there is any advice anyone can give
> me to try and ease my fears.  I have lost sleep over
> this for the past four nights (three when I didn't
> know what was going on and now tonight).  Will
> someone PLEASE help me?  Thanks....
> Niki

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