Bella didn't do so well on EVO either--runny, lethal poops when she ate it.  I use California Naturals now, and she's thriving.  The vet told me that she's one of the healthiest cats he's ever seen.  I also use a little Omega 3 supplement on her food.  (I am a big believer in that stuff.  I take the human capsules, and I use some Omega 3 that I got from the vet for Bella's food.  Her coat is absolutely fabulous, especially considering the hot weather here.
Have you considered that either seasonal allergies or an allergy to cat litter dust might be the problem?

Hi All!

As the title suggests, I'm wondering if anyone who uses Innova EVO dry
has noticed any type of allergic-type reactions in their cats? I've
been desperately trying to figure out what it is that is making
Sleepypants so sneezy/watery-eyed/unable to breathe propery, etc.! I
pretty much had chalked it up to inhalant allergies when, on a whim (and
why I didn't think of this sooner, I'll never know), I switched out the
cats' dry food to Solid Gold just for a change. About two weeks later,
I noticed that SP's symptoms were lessening and now (after about 3-4
weeks on Solid Gold) he's completely symptom-free! I also noticed that
Lola, who also suffered a bit w/ watery eyes, has become symptom-free at
about the same rate!

I'm not sure what to make of it as I always thought food allergies
manifested themselves differently (itchy/flaky skin...although I have
noticed that SP's fur has greatly improved over the slightly
greasy/dandruffy coat he had while on EVO)...I'm trying to figure out
whether or not something in the food can cause eye/nose/respiratory
issues? I guess the only way to know for sure whether it was the food
would be to try EVO again for about 6 weeks and see what happens...but
SP and Lola just look so good, I don't want to stop whatever it is I'm
doing right! ;)

So for a start, I'd like to ask around and see if anyone else has had a
problem with EVO?

Thanks, guys!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner

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