I took the kitten to the vet, and the vet says he looks healthy.  He did not test for FeLV because he said it would be a waste of $$$$ as Freddie is too young to have built up a titer.  He recommended isolating Freddie from Bella for 5-6 weeks until Freddie can get 3 FeLV vaccines in him, so that's what I'm going to do.  He said Freddie is about 8 weeks, but he recommended waiting another week or two to be sure it won't hurt him.
He said to wait until Freddie is about 4-5 months to test him for FeLV.  He said a lot of small kittens test negative who really do have FeLV, so he thinks it is a waste of money at this point.
~Ashleigh (who likes vets who care about my pocketbook)

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