I am trying to catch up and saw a post about someone with an FIV and Felv+ with high fever..Bandy has both and we have been dealing with high fever for a year this month...I can just tell now when it is going up..so I give him 1/2 of .75mg. dexamethasone pill..and if that doesn't bring it down within 3 or 4 hours i give the other 1/2...it will usually bring it down...then it will go back up again within a wk or 8 or 9 days...He is also on oral interferon daily since last July...It all seems to be working for him...The fever, they tell me is due to inflammation from his diseases...so I still don't know...He always feels better within a few hours of giving the dex...also an injection will work much faster, but is alot stronger...and we save them for when it is really high or he is having other problems with his leg...or soreness from his past broken leg.
hope this helps,
Kerry and Bandy

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