Thanks everyone for all the advice...Now I just need to figure out what to try...Belinda, I checked out those links.  I may order from the petsbestrx...It sounded good, but I wish I knew someone that had tried it..
Right now Bandy is very sick..I took him to the vet on Thurs since he can't even stand up...She took an xray of both front and rear since they are both giving him a problem..He also had almost 105 temp..I think he has an infection somewhere..He won't eat or drink...I did get him to eat some baby food beef,  maybe couple of teaspoons..and he will drink alittle water, but not much..they gave him some sub-q fluids.  I think I am going to take him in again today.  She gave him an adequan shot, dex shot and polyflex..I upped his baytril to the full dose, but I think he needs something else..
Michelle, I told her about the immuno-regulin and she is going to order it next week...I need to know all I can about it...and she asked me to find out from you guys, what dosages you used and anything else we might need to know.. I have read what it says here at the home page...  .5cc IV twice weekly and then .5cc IV weekly until symptoms subside...Is that a good start or what did you use?  Please let me know and I will let her know on Monday...I hope we haven't waited too long..I am really scared for him right now..
Thank you all again,
Kerry and Bandy

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