Hi Lisa,
I hear the panic in your words, it's something that everyone on the list has to deal with. It's a good thing in a way because it shows we're being hyper vigilant and that's important to safeguard our pos' health. Since it was really hot out, I'm hoping Chester's not wanting to eat and his lethargy are simply symptoms of the heat. Is Timmy acting the same way? Didn't you tell us that the first clue you had to something being "not right" with Chester was lethargy? Is he still on abx? The fact that his blood work looked good and his temp was normal, are very encouraging. I'm concerned that you and your vet haven't gotten to the bottom of what ever is ailing Chester. Have you called your vet this morning? Is he working with you to find the answers? If it were me and Chester didn't perk up very soon, I'd be looking for an Internist to take him to.

That really sucks that Timmy has tested pos too! I'm so sorry to hear this. It goes against what we have come to suspect about the difficulty of transmission to a healthy negative cat. Has Timmy been an indoor only cat his whole life? Keep us updated on what's going on with Chester. Sending you calm healing energy and prayers that Chester feels better very soon,


Good Morning,
Hope you all had a good weekend. Chester did not do good this weekend. It was hot out in 90s. I kept him in basement and kept putting wash rag w/cold water on him. Basement was very cool and his body should be able to regulate temp. Was not moving around much-took his temp and I thought he might have fever but it was good 101. Yesterday he did not eat or drink. Should I try Pedialyte? Do they like the taste? Tried everything-canned tuna, turkey lunch meat, and treats. Has baby food worked? Any ideas? Has gone to the bathroom, eyes and gums look good, is responsive to our voices but no energy. Is this just the heat? We got a CVC Wed and results were very good-healty blood. But bad news too-my other cat Timmy is also positive. Scheduled retest in 8 weeks and praying for false positives. Thanks, Lisa
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