Is Starman the guy who was crying outside the bedroom window?????

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wish I could be of more help with Chatty's impersonation of Darth
Vadar. Starman, (my hulking FIV guy), was congested and breathing the
same way when he showed up. I wasn't thrilled about doing it, but I
took my vet's advice and put him on Baytril. It did clear it up and so
far, it hasn't come back, (quick, say a prayer). I don't have any
experience with the albuterol, let us know.


>Thanks, guys, for all your help! Unfortunately, the local grocery
>didn't have the Little Noses with I just picked up
>the saline drops and have been giving those a go! Not a whole lot of
>improvement...he's a little less "beow-y," but still sounds very much
>like Darth Vadar...He's also still having difficulty smelling his food,
>so I've resorted to syringing for the time being. I can't believe how
>agreeable he's been through all this...he's just so unbelievably sweet,
>I don't know how anyone could abandon him!
>So I'm going to try upping his dosage of interferon and have started
>adding vitamin C to his food in an effort to get him over the hump.
>Thanks for all your help! Also, is the albuterol mostly for chest
>congestion? Or will it work on upper respiratory, as well?

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