Bandy's vet wants to give him metacam for the leg problem..I remember we all discussed this last year..I need any more info you all have on the metacam.  Also, have any of you used it with immuno-regulin...??
I received the IR today, but I am not sure when we are going to start we are a little concerned about the temporary rise in temp. following the treatment...OR do some kitties not have a rise in temp following the treatment? 
He went in for an exam on Tues and got some more fluids...He is eating on his own.  That leg is really causing him a problem though...He really can't walk on it..So I think the metacam might help with the pain and inflammation and his fevers, too.. Also, I asked if we could put him on medicine for bone infection since it won't show up on xray all the he is on 2cc twice daily of clindamycin..for 10 days.
Any info is appreciated,
Kerry and Bandy

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