Hey Elizabeth,

I am so sorry little Shakiti ate the dental floss. 
That is one of my fears with my babies.  Is the vet
going to be there with him tonight, or will there be a
tech there?  If not, you can watch him just as well,
if not better, from home overnight, and it might be
better for him/his stress level.  You can keep him
sequestered and watch to see if he passes the floss. 
What did the vet say about what the maximum time it
would take to pass something from the intestines?  Did
he say it could be fatal if they don't do surgery in
the morning, or would it be possible to wait just a
little longer?  Don't be so hard on yourself
Elizabeth; you didn't do anything on purpose to hurt
him!  Try to keep your head clear so you can make good
decisions.  And pray!!!  I'll be praying for him too!


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