You are too, too kind.  Thank you from my heart. 
If I could do anything I wanted to for a living - I would do cat portraits.  Sadly though - I live alone with 8 cats so I'm the only one paying the bills (plus, the kitties like to surf the web and use my credit cards when they aren't sneaking the car out to go joy riding).  I have to have a sense of stability and I am biding my time in a high pressure position that requires absolutely nothing artistic or creative and makes me wish I had a valium IV.
I love to paint in oils and watercolors.  Charcoal and pencil is one of the least expensive mediums to use so I rely on that a fewer kitty paw prints in oil paint around the house :-) - the kids love to paint.  I love pen and ink too and do a little sculpture and some photography.  All this - along with my gardening - is my therapy....and Lord knows I need that LOL
One of these days.....
Thanks for being interested! 
In a message dated 6/21/2006 2:20:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Oh Elizabeth what a gift you have!!  I'm sure you are told that by anyone who is fortunate enough to view your work.  Do you do this for your livelihood?  You should, if only to share your gift with as many people as possible.  You not only portray a realistic representation of your subjects, but you're able to capture the beauty of their spirits as well.  Not a simple thing to do.
When did you first discover that you could do this?  Do you paint as well?  Very nice, thank you for posting them.

Tad - that is an excellent point and one that deserves careful consideration.  I lost my Felicity to vaccine related fibrosarcoma and although it happened many years ago, I still grieve.  Here is a link to a charcoal drawing I did of her.  She was a very dear soul.

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