As far as I know nothing else is going on.  We've run bloodwork several times.  He did have a bout with bartonella a while back.  I really don't know what his blood pressure is.  I just know when he started losing his sight they ran all kinds of bloodwork on him and said the only thing wrong was that his blood pressure was 'through the roof' and causing bleeding in his eyes.  He was supposed to be on norvasc, but it was such a pain to get him to take it I had decided to let it be.  After that I played around with the med. some more and finally got him to take it in some fancy feast, so he takes it now.  His last checkup the doctor said his blood pressure looked good.......... but he still seems to be losing sight to me.  I'm taking him in next month for a recheck on that and the bartonella as well.  We'll see then.  He's about 11 years old or so.  He's lost weight......... but not rapidly.  I feel like something else is going on that we haven't found.  We even ran another leukemia test just to check, but he's still negative.
He can see some.  It's kind of like he misjudges distances, etc. when he jumps on the sofa or whatever.  I think he's losing his hearing too though, because he's stopped running when I get out the vacuum cleaner as well!

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya,, I am so sorry about your kitty,, is  your kitty a CRF kitty, too?  Can he still see some?  What is his BP now?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:12 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Need prayers for my Hannibal -getting blind
I am going through the same thing with my Popeye.  Even with the norvasc I think he is still losing his sight.  He seems to be adjusting well.  He is losing weight though.  :( 

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I would like to ask you all more prayers for Hannibal – he has been on epogen due to his low PCV.. now it caused his BP to be high.. and he is getting blind – I noticed on Saturday and did not any better to take him to the vet right away (I did not know what’s going one).. he is on Norvasc to control BP, and if treated immediately there is 50/50 chance that he can get his vision back.. please please please pray for my baby, that his sight will come back!!!
Hideyo and Hannibal

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