Awesome news about Shakiti!  And MK too!  EXCELLENT!
Canned food -- I like to feed Nutro canned, but if your gang won't eat it, stick with what they like.  I'd agree that the better quality food is best (Nutro, Precise, Eagle Pack), but they need to eat, and if they refuse the "better" stuff, stick with what you've got.  Wet food is best anyway....
My gang likes Nutro, but I've been feeding the Petsmart brand hairball light formula.  No more vomit, no more hairballs, and best of all -- NO STINKY POO!!!!
But keep in mind I am FeLV free at the moment, so I am not as cautious about the food with them as I would be with a FeLV positive.  I fed Eagle Pack exclusively when I had FeLV positives in the house.  Good stuff, but not easily available.  Only one store within 25 miles of me carries it (and it's out of the way for me to get to).
From the clowder in New Jersey,
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)

Shakiti is doing very well today.  He slept with me last night instead of under the bed.  He hasn't gotten sick - and last night when I called everybody for canned food, he came running with an appetite and he ate on his own.  I'm not sure he can handle dry food yet but I'm glad I don't need to finger feed him anymore.  He must be better because he is tormenting Tiffany again - that's very much back to normal.
Shakiti took his medicine like a champ this morning.  I didn't give him the pill for the tummy ache because he may not need it now - but if he gets sick, I will.  He's doing his turn at neighborhood watch in the front window and watching cat TV (the bird feeders).
Mama Kitty is fantastic.  She's been out front stalking a beetle and pouncing on things I can't even see.  My neighbor came by (total cat person) and said she thinks that Mama Kitty looks better and feels better than she did before she ever got sick.  Her coat is nice and shiny and she's so alert that she's three steps ahead of everything going on in her world.  When you call her - she comes running with her tail straight up in the air.  A lot of her success is due to the fact that I learned here that there truly is hope for kitties with feline leukemia.  She sends everybody head butts.
Othello goes in to be tested (and vaccinated) for FeVL next Friday and I think then we'll only have Alexis and Phelix left to go (plus, I think I'm going to continue B12 shots for MK...will check to see if vet will let me do that myself).
Does anybody here do the pet insurance thing?  Will it cover Feline Leukemia if it's a pre-existing condition?  If so - who do you use and what do you think about it?  I've spent over $1260 in vet bills the past few months between getting treatments for Mama Kitty and tests/vaccines for everybody else (plus a couple of dentals) - and it will be about $450 in the next month or two to get everybody up to date.  I'm not sure that's any cheaper than the insurance would be for 8 cats.  Too bad I can't write this all off on my taxes.
Also - would like to get your take on what is the best canned food.  I've been feeding fancy feast just because it is such a hit and because I can get Mama Kitty to eat it when she won't eat anything else.  I've tried the Chicken Soup light formula canned food for the kids and they aren't crazy about it.  They really don't care for Authority either.  Since these issues with Mama Kitty though - I've been a lot more concerned about diet and want to feed them the best I can find but it won't do me a bit of good if they won't eat it.  I'm not above getting sushi for them either LOL  Who needs money, right?  It's not everything.
grateful for every good day,
In a message dated 6/24/2006 4:37:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, ETrent writes:
He tried to take a few bites from the dried food buffet today but wasn't able to keep it down.  I'm still giving him something for upset tummy and he's doing a good job of letting mommy feed him the a/d.  He seems to be feeling good otherwise though and he's been a complete angel about taking his medicine.
In a message dated 6/24/2006 3:56:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey Elizabeth,

How is Shakiti doing today?  Is he eating on his own


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