I hope I'm not breaking a rule by posting this...If any of you can donate to help these people get on their feet after the fire - I know they would appreciate even small donations so much.  "Friends of Ferals" does a lot to help the cats and our community.
Dear Friends, You may have heard on the news that Petsmart, Jones
Valley in Huntsville had a fire Monday night, June 19.  The Adoption
Center there was supported by Friends of Ferals, and we had cats there
hoping for adoption.  Let me assure you quickly, our cats are OK, but we
do need your help.
The fire department was quick to respond but it was a smoky fire and
sadly many of Petsmart's birds and small animals perished.  The managers
and employees are devastated and they appreciate your prayers, and
support once the store reopens.
Luckily FoF was in changeout mode and only eight cats were there, very
unusual as we often have up to twenty.  They are OK, possible slight
smoke inhalation only and stressed of course so extra love is being
given.  We had an Ionic Breeze air purifier tower in the small room and
we feel it helped save the cats.
Now we are in the big job of trying to clean and recover many of our
smoke covered things and try to get back to adoption as soon as the store
reopens, as we have many sweet babies seeking their forever homes.
Petsmart is being very very good and will replace many of the damaged
supplies, as even our file cabinet is trashed.  We are concerned that our
towels and rugs and cat beds, even though washed, will keep the plastic
smoke residue and could still be toxic to the cats in that small tight
If you would be so kind to see if you any good condition towels to donate
to us, that would be very welcome.  We have specific rug needs for the
cages that are a bit difficult to explain so would appreciate any
monetary donations to rebuy those and other damaged supplies.  Any
donations beyond our Adoption Center restocking needs would be gratefully
used to spay or neuter other homeless cats.
And if you have it in your hearts to add another family member, our very
special friendly and thankful kitties are listed here:
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/AL143.html  (Listed blessed kitties
that were there in the fire: KoVu, BobBoy and Rosie. Not shown yet are
Pumpkin, Sir Maxx, Prince, Gloria, and Charlie)
Please contact me, Linda Terry Hickam for any other questions.  Thank you
so much for your kindness.  We would be happy to arrange pickup or mail
donations to:
Friends of Ferals
PO Box 4506
Huntsville, AL 35773
256 880-7527

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