Thank you everyone for your kind words and words of advice on Wowie's 
situation. Update...I spoke with another vet who was so helpful and 
knowledgable and asked him about the medications some had mentioned on the list 
and also asked him to explain things I didn't understand. I went to see him for 
a second opinion. He knew and was familiar with all that was recommended. I 
found out that the steroids my vet had given me for wowie were Prenisolone as 
Kris had mentioned NOT Prednisone. She did not give him an injection of this, 
but instead gave him the chewable bites which he took happily. 

This new doctor said not to think in terms of how long Wowie has but rather to 
take it day by day and help him best we can. He also said he has seen FLV cats 
in worse condition that have bounced back so always to have hope. I liked his 
attitude about the whole thing and felt more comfortable talking to him and 
asking him everything and anything and really felt he was so helpful so I'm 
sticking with him. He's going to take a look at his blood test results and he 
wants to do a IFA test because only an ELISA was done which I don't understand 
because the first thing that the first vet said to me when i told her an elisa 
was done was that she thought an IFA would be more helpful. So why did she do 
an ELISA again? 

I'm hoping for WOwie. He is eating again and he is more talkative and more 
active. Not yet back to his old self, but better than he was. Thank you so much 
everyone for everything and let me know anything, any input, advice, thoughts 
etc you may have as it has thus far been SO helpful!


Yesterday, Wowie was eating. He was also meowing again and more active. This 
means the 

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