Below is a link to an herb mix from Robert MacDowell that might help Bandy. I found his formulas incredibly helpful (surprisingly so) for my dog Fern when she had cancer (though she was on lots of things and I can not attribute it to his herbs, she lives three times longer than her maximum prognosis) and for my own endometriosis (it is the only thing besides precription medicine that has lessened the pain).  He just started making formulas for cats, though, and I do not know how much he has studied cat anatomy and drug reactions. This formula has White Willow in it, which is the plant that aspirin is derived from, and aspiring in anything but very small doses can kill cats. I assume that using a few drops of a tincture derived from the whole plant is probably ok (a baby aspiring every few days is also ok), but if you decide you are interested in this, I would email him to ask him specifically about this issue.

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