I'm so sorry you and Bandy are going through this.  Please keep us posted - prayers going up for you both.
In a message dated 7/6/2006 4:48:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
He is sick again...He started limping on the left leg Sunday and it seemed to be causing him some pain so I started giving him some pain meds and also a dex on Sunday..He is eating and drinking some, but since he was to go to eye spec. on today, I thought I had better have him checked out since he wasn't any better on Wed..So he had 105.5 temp and very out of it...I hope we caught this in time this time...anyway his vet here thinks we should go back to the internal med specialist to have a bone scan done cause the leg problems are just going back and forth...this is about the 4th or 5th time he has been in for this in the last 6 wks...he gets better then it goes to the other leg with some soft tissue swelling...Any of you had any sort of trouble like this?  I did ask about the RA tests and she said sometimes they aren't conclusive...so MRI or bone scan or something on that line might tell us what is going on...She is suppose to call the specialist today...so I hope we get an appt. asap..We are going to start the IR on Monday cause his temp needs to be down when we give the first injection..Anyway, the eye appt is off for now..have to re-schedule..
Please keep him in your prayers once again...
Hope everyone else is doing good today. 
Kerry and Bandy

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