One thing that strikes me about everybody I've seen post on here that I truly appreciate: we are not the kind of people who think of pets as decor or disposable.  When we take a pet into our care - it is a commitment.  It is love.  Frankly, that is exactly the kind of people with whom I want to be associated.
Sure - we might not agree...and you might think something I said is the most outrageous thing you ever heard -- but that's ok!  We're here to get all the information we can so that we can draw our own conclusions.  And you're right - I've changed some opinions about things since I've been here.  I know above all else that everyone is here because they care very much.
I may not always agree - but I do respect other opinions and recognize too that others here have a lot more experience with very sick kitties than I do.  Michelle, I am glad that you are here. 
I too am glad to be a part of a community of people who care so much.
In a message dated 7/6/2006 3:15:01 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I just had to unsubscribe to a feline IBD group. I had unsubscribed to the other one months ago. The people on it are so mean!  On the first group, the moderator had all messages going through her, and literally sent me back almost every one of my posts to say I either had not included enough of the last post in the thread or had included too much of it. And sometimes she would send them back many hours or even days after I had tried to post. So much for getting help! When I told her that I knew someone who had unsubscribed for this reason and that I was finding it challenging and just needed support, she wrote back saying that me and my friends had a lot of nerve to think that rules should not apply to us! So I unsubscribed and joined a different one. This one is fairly inactive, but boy are people mean sometimes!  Someone whose cat is having terrible IBD symptoms is not eating, and she wrote asking what medicines are normally given for IBD and what to do about food and fluids. She said her cat was eating a little A/D. I wrote back about fatty liver and her cat needing food, but also said that A/D is not good for IBD, and that she should maybe try plain turkey, and that if she needs to force feed she can blend plain turkey with water to do so, pending a vet visit (and she is waiting for raw food to be delivered). I then explained about fluids, and about pred and flagyl and the pluses and minuses. Two people posted very nasty responses about where do i get off saying that a cat who is having trouble eating should not have A/D, that this is offensive, that I am acting like a vet when i have no expertise, etc. etc. etc.  Given what I have been going through with Lucy and her IBD recently (and her appetite got way worse when I fed her stuff bad for her IBD and it gave her watery diarrhea, so that is what I was speaking from), it is not worth it to be treated that way.  So I unsubscribed from that list too.
All of which is to say, thank God for this group. It is the nicest group around, and I hope it always stays that way. We have different opinions, but we all recognize that we care about our cats and each other's cats, and each other, and that we are just offering what we can. And we keep open minds and change our opinions, too!  Thanks for being there, everyone!

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