Thanks. She is doing better at this point, so far, now is actually a bit constipated. I had postponed the specialist visit to Tuesday, and if she is still doing better tomorrow I am going to cancel it (I can reschedule in the future if needed).
I have two litterboxes for the two positives who are left. Lucy just likes to devil Patches by hiding around corners and jumping on her, and that is one place that she can do it easily.  If I put the litterboxes anywhere they are in the open, with no corners to hide around, Gray will get upset because they will be in the open.
Lucy actually has not been doing it much since her latest intestinal bout. She is feeling better, will play with me if I offer string, is hunting, etc., but for the most part is leaving Patches alone.  Except she started screaming at Patches today because Patches jumped up on top of the fence around our yard, which Lucy thought was very uppity, but I was glad she alerted me so I could get Patches down.  (This was a major accomplishment for Patches-- she is fat, not so coordinated, and has been rather timid about jumping in general, so I was shocked she got up there-- she looked a bit shocked herself!).
In a message dated 7/9/2006 7:47:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I don't know what you should do........... but depending on how BADLY she reacts to the vet trips I would go for the biopsy if possible.
Also, have you considered the possibility that there is a battle waging over the litterbox?  You might try putting 1 or 2 in different places.  Litterbox problems can cause lots of problems...........

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