I love your story; it made me tear up!  If you aren't going to seek publication, may I put it on my cats website? 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have this big sign out front (not visible to
> humans)...that says 'sucker'
> over my front door. This must be true, otherwise,
> every feral cat and
> creature in the neighborhood wouldn't stop by Liz's
> Kitty Boutique and Day Spa (my
> official name for my front porch).
> Year before last, I noticed this possum on my porch
> railing. I named her
> Pauline. She would climb up the rose bush and hang
> out at night. She was so
> tame and so friendly. I was worried about her - I
> checked all her little feet
> and her fur to see if she was hurt because I just
> didn't think it was
> natural for a possum to be so unafraid.
> I did some research online and found the National
> Opossum Society and gave
> them a call. One of their experts called me and
> talked to me for about 45
> minutes. I sent pictures so she could see if there
> was anything to be concerned
> about. She told me that Pauline had just come to
> trust me and that she felt
> safe there. She told me to feed her bananas because
> they just don't get
> enough potassium in their diet....also to feed her
> cheese so she would get
> enough calcium. She told me not to be surprised if
> Pauline had babies nearby.
> Pauline won't eat out of my hand but she comes very
> close. She will sniff
> the food in my hand and if I set it in front of her,
> she will eat it. She
> loves bananas and cheese...loves any kind of fruit.
> In time, Pauline came to trust me so much that she
> would let me pet her! I
> don't recommend this with just any possum as they
> have 50 very sharp teeth
> and their bite is every bit as dangerous as a feral
> cat's. When friends,
> neighbors, or family would come to visit - they
> would just friek when I pointed
> out my "pet possum", Pauline. They just wouldn't
> notice her there at first and
> couldn't believe how friendly she was.
> Last year, Pauline had two babies -- Pierre and
> Pinkerton. They are very
> trusting too and they like to hang out on the porch
> and love it when I give
> them treats.
> Mama Kitty stays on the porch a lot - she doesn't
> mind in the slightest if
> they help themselves to her food. One night last
> winter, I opened the door an
> startled one of the younger possums. He jumped
> right in the cat bed with
> Mama Kitty LOL Neither one of them seemed to mind
> the other.
> I know a lot of you are suckers for all creatures
> great and small too and
> thought you might get a kick out of my little story
> :-)
> Hope everyone has a good weekend. Wishing health
> and a good day to all the
> kitties too.
> elizabeth

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