have you checked to see if you have any house-call vets in your area? that makes life so much easier for kitties who get stressed so easily--after a visit to my house, the only one requiring sedation is the vet.....
sending GLOW to naomi, and to you as well....

On 7/28/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone, I took Naomi to the vet (another vet) to see if she can draw blood from her,, if her symptoms are caused by something treatable I wanted to make sure that I find out and treat it (she so hates to be seen by vet, she gets really stressed out).


They wrapped her with a towel like burrito.. and draw blood from her.. and they were able to (but she screamed so much. I felt so badly..) and they when they picked up she stopped breathing for a second,,, and looks like she was going to pass.. and the vet freaked out and so did I .. and she did mouth to mouth to her and brought her back.. did not know exactly what happened.. and took a while but she started breathing okay.. she thinks that since she is so stuffed out.. and couldn't breath with stress she just went through.. oh my gosh,, you guys,, I would have regretted for the rest of my life if she passed away… I got so scared…


This vet does not think she has FIP.. but she is showing some unexplainable neurogical signs (tilting head and sort of wobbling head) and I am so scared.. her PCV was 20 and TP was 8 which is higher than I want it to be.. we will find out tomorrow from IDEXX regarding the total body function.. please please pray that she does not have FIP and there is a way that we can treat her and make her feel better.. she is just so precious…




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