Thanks for all the feedback about Rocket.  I respect
everybody's opinion and have given people the same
advice for as long as I can remember.  I know all too
well about the dogs and cats in shelters because I
have $22,000 in debt from a rescue I ran the past
couple years trying to save these animals.  I placed
hundreds of shelter cats and dogs and know what
wonderful pets they make.  I also had each one
evaluated by an animal behavior specialist before
placing them in a home and 99% of them had issues that
needed to be addressed if they were to be completely
safe in a home.  I'm not saying that most rescue dogs
have problems in homes, a lot of times people get
lucky and the situations that would provoke the animal
never come up.  Just most shelters and rescues place
them without paying for evaluations and training and
then you don't really know what COULD go wrong.  Many
rescues I know have had really bad incidents because
of this.  I have to consider that I have 5 cats in my
home that mean the world to me and that I will be
bringing a newborn into my home.  Even if I rescued a
dog and had him evaluated, we don't have months to
work on fixing those issues before introducing the dog
to a newborn.  I'm due in 5 weeks.  

So to make a long story short, we have decided against
a dog for now.  I don't really think it is the right
decision for us but everybody on the list and off the
list seems to agree that a puppy and a baby would be
too much.  I don't want either one to feel cheated or
neglected so I guess we will wait and see.  If it was
just me and my husband, we would rescue a Dane today. 
I just think we have to be more responsible parents
than to go and bring a dog with a questionable history
into a home with a tiny baby.  With the puppy, we
would start from scratch, do obedience, etc.  I know
what gentle souls Danes our and I have no concerns
about a baby pulling at them or upsetting them. 
Raised correctly, they just aren't the sort of dog
that would react.  

Thanks again for all the advice.  I'm still looking at
puppies every day but I will try my hardest to wait
til after the baby is here before getting one.


Amy Weygandt
Woof Wagon

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