Beth, people (including me) have had really good luck with Immuno-regulin getting rid of the symptoms you are talking about.
In a message dated 7/31/2006 7:58:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hello group!
    I haven't been on much, had my hands full with a couple of things.  Will was great the night we got home from vacation.  I took the other three in to get their 1st FeLV vaccine. the next day.  Everyone, (including Will who'd had nothing done) slept for 24 hours and ate very little.  Moxie, Dash, and Scooter then resumed normal, full-force activity, but Will stayed quiet.  I brought him in the next day, he temped a 104.1, my vet sent me home with prednisolone for him (which got the fever down in one dose, gave him another the next day just to be sure, but he's been great).  She also volunteered to call around and find a local clinic with interferon in stock, even though she doesn't believe in it too much.  (I think maybe she doesn't want to lose a good client!)  There was a place close by that had it, it was only $7.00 for 10 vials, so what the heck, why the vet's initial resistance to trying it?  So, everyone is now on 125mg of L-lysine twice a day, and Will gets Clavamox twice a day forever, interferon once a day for seven days on and then seven days off, and prednisolone as needed for fevers.  Lucky for me, he's getting really polite about taking his meds, doesn't fight anymore...
    While all of this was going on, my 9 year old nephew called to ask me to care for the pinkie mouse he found in his driveway, until he got back from vacation.  I was so happy that he was showing empathy for something, (he has Aspberger's (sp?), empathy is a weak point), but pinkies are so hard...I tried to prepare him for the likely outcome but said I'd do my best.  They had it 3 days before getting it to me, it wasn't being fed often enough and wasn't urinating, the head looked like it was growing but the body was too small (I've done this almost successfully once before) I got it eating a bit and doing microscopic poops for a couple of days, but then I think I either fed it too much or aspirated it and it died.  My nephew got back late last night, his mom is going to break the bad news to him first, then I'll talk to him...
    A happier thought, we are just one week away from desegregating Blue from the kittens, baby-proofing the house and counting down...I can't wait!!! 
Thank you all for your help and encouragement,

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