Thank-you everybody for the welcome, I'm sure I'll learn much here. The little feral isn't responding to meds and today I found one her siblings just like the 1st one. At the vet now undergoing (when they get to it) tests and more. I've a tiny bit of hope because this one put up more of a fight and she doesn't look like the other (genetics) but she seems so weak she might have the same problem..
 Abt FIP, etc. When I had Jerome (my fiver) dx the first time the vet said FIP diagnosis was based on his symptoms tho he might not have it. Tested pos on both tests for FIV , and he was an adult intact stray when I found him so high risk then he  maybe is truly +. Anyways he's doing great and such a lover.
Hideyo, much, much light and positive thoughs for you, no matter how many times you go through it is never easy, I know.



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