Why did the vet want to wait to treat him for tapeworm??  It would be better to give him the med for the worms now, not when he's having to deal with the stress of more vaccinations.  He's probably okay, weight wise, but if you've noticed a difference in the way he feels and looks, you should weigh him to see if he's lost weight.  Having worms, his exciting weekend, and a growth spurt could all be contributing to his being thin.  Go get the worm med from the doc and use the pill pockets to give them to him.  What I do with the pill pocket, (you can find them at Petsmart), is use just enough of it to cover the pill.  They get like silly-putty with the warmth of your fingers and can be molded around the pill.  When they are just barely covered, making them as small as possible, with still no chance of tasting the med inside, I coat them with tuna, or chicken and place them in the middle of a very small pile of whatever yummy people food the kitty likes.  Usually they just gobble down the pill with whatever they are enjoying.  Let us know.

Marissa Johnson wrote:
Hi again all.  Some of you may have seen this in another post I sent, but I thought I should send it with a more appropriate subject.
Slinky is about 15 or 16 weeks old (we're guessing) and tested positive for FeLV when I took him to the vet just over a week ago.  The vet said everything else looked good except that he has tapeworm (which they called me about after I left - said they'd treat it when I went back in 3 weeks for the next round of vaccinations).
He's been eating pretty well (I think...not sure how much he's supposed to eat, but I refill his food dish about every other day usually) and has been very active and friendly. I've also noticed lately that he's grown a lot in the two weeks I've had him.
But lately I've noticed that when I pet him, I can feel his front "shoulders" sticking up behind his neck.  I can also feel his ribs if I press a little.  I'm not sure if this is normal (could he be growing faster than he's putting on weight and will catch up later?) or if I should be worried. 
I've been changing his food (from purina kitten chow to Innova Evo dry...will add canned soon as well) and also took him on a 5.5 hour road trip this weekend, so he's had a bit of adjustment going on, but that hasn't seemed to faze him much. 
As I said, he seems healthy.  But should I be worried about his "bonyness"?  Should I take him to the vet this week?  I didn't ask the vet about "bonyness" when I was there (hadn't noticed it), but he was about 4 pounds and they seemd to think that was fine.
What do you all think?  Thanks for your support and advice!!

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