Hello everyone, I've been a silent member of the listserv since March and have been learning a lot from your discussions and feeling your sorrows as loved ones pass away. I'm now writing for advice -- my Pixie is a largely asymptomatic  2 y/o felv positive and in early August we moved from Philadelphia to the Netherlands (flew Northwest so she could be in the cabin with me).

A few days ago I noticed a small bald patch on the side of her nose and it's been growing in size and is now looking red and irritated. I've been looking up possible causes and I'm scared that it could be feline calicivirus because she has eye discharge, a wet nose, audible breathing, and the occasional sneeze. Does anyone have experience with calicivirus, especially in combination with felv?

Perhaps another, happier, explanation could be that Pixie is weirded out by the new environment and is over-grooming? I tried putting Polysporin on the sore a couple of times today and she's successfully groomed it off almost immediately. Any tips on treating the sore -- possible viral causes aside?

Pixie is eating normally and seems fine other than the aforementioned symptoms. I should also note that I gave her dewormer for roundworm two weeks ago, after finding some worms in her vomit. Not sure those worms are totally gone, either. Any advice would be much appreciated! She's my first felv cat and I'm thinking of adopting another (Dutch) one soon, once I know what's up with Pixie... and where to even find a felv cat in the Netherlands. 

Cheers, Giselle

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