Best wishes for Lucy to restabilize.  Hang in there!
Diane R.
Lucy was doing great recovering from her last IBD relapse, and I had just tapered down to 2.5 mg/day (started at 12.5 and reduced by 1.25 per week).  And then she relapsed again. Liquid diarrhea and little interest in food. Otherwise she is acting fine this time, knock on wood.  I put her back up to 10 mg/day of pred and am giving her some homeopathic remedies. Please send her prayers, good thoughts, etc.  Her ibd definitely seems to be worsening, with more relapses that take longer to get better.  I always worry a bit that it is lymphoma, given her FeLV, though I am now getting used to the up and down of ibd so am more concerned/depressed than panicked. 

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