Hi Evan and Dee,

That's a good question. I need to modify my "plans" too. I'm associated with a rescue group, and that makes me feel better about the care of my babies in the event of my death, because they'll make every effort to help. And, an additional option is to leave life insurance or property to support them for that purpose. I might name someone as a "monitor", to monitor what they do - just thought about that.

My intent also, and something I've done informally, is to have agreements with friends ahead of time, to take some of my pets. I do have some of that now, for a few of my babies, but need to get better plans and better organized.

Hope this helps - good luck.


On Aug 29, 2006, at 6:27 PM, Evan & Dee wrote:

Sorry if this is a bit off topic but would greatly appreciate any advice folks have to offer. We are meeting with our attorney tomorrow to draw up wills (long overdue) and are stumped as to how to provide for our four legged family members in the event we both pass at the same time. We really don't have friends or family that truly comprehend what we mean when we say they are family members - we have no lower expectations for their care and well being than we do our own - and we want to be sure that continues when we pass. We don't want to have our assets tied to our kids (I.E. a portion of our estate goes to so-and-so for the care of our kids - how do we know they won't just spend the money and then, if there's a medical emergency, euthanise them because it costs too much to provide care?) The thought of our family not being properly cared for is very unnerving. Thank you for taking the time to read and any suggestions are greatly appreciated ~ Evan & Dee

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