I am located in new jersey..south jersey..when i first found pokemon she was skinny but showed no sick symptoms at all...she had a pink collar on and was so friendly and her fur very long was clean and she smelled so good...she was hungry and in a few months plumped up but still was small...i posted her on the web as a found cat..and checked the newspaper for lost cats she had 8 toes on each foot and i couldn't find the owner...after a while she became part of our family...loved to play and purr and she loved water and LOVED to eat...i was so naive..now my stomach is in knots because i blame myself for cracker sickness...my vet x vet is terrible basically says to throw in the towel but i cant..he told me i am just in denial and there is nothing to do...he didn't mention anything about blood test to count cells or anything...i have read every post on here im thinking about sending it to him the fool

I wish you had found us before Pokemon was PTS, but please, please find a better vet. 
I live in Texas but perhaps someone can recommend one in your area?
Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life!



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