Thank you, Cindy, it's much appreciated!

From: cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need some IR data

I used the immuno regulin because my Smokey was
getting high fevers and nothing else helped.  The vet
would be succesfull getting his temp. down only for it
to go up again in a few days.  Since I started using
the immuno regulin he hasn't had any fevers.  I
started using it back in Feb. or March of this year.
I had read about immuno regulin on this list and asked
my vet about it.  She didn't have a problem with
giving it to him.  I know it says to give IV but my
vet has me give Smokey the injections subq.  I don't
know about all the research on it but I do know that
for the problem Smokey was having it has helped.

Cindy Reasoner

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