Lots of prayers and angels coming to Dharma and to you.
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Prayers for my Dharma -- Please!!!

Hi, everyone, I wanted to ask you if you could take a moment to pray for my Dharma, as some of you may know, I found out that Dharma may have dry FIP a couple of weeks ago.. and she has been treated with feline interferon…. Over the course of weeks, she has good days and not so good days, now she really does not have an appetite much and I have been syringe feeding her.. I talked to jasmine, my AC and she mentioned to me yesterday that.. symbolically, there seems to be a big war going on between the virus and Dharma in her body – the virus seems to be stronger, but Dharma seems to be even stronger, and right now she is winning the battle and but taking a lot of energy from her ---


Everyone, please  picture my Dharma - she is 5 months old and has a  tiny body, has  beautiful medium hair, and she is a calico girl – please imagine or picture her protected or covered by white beam of light to her – it’s supposed to help her energy.. if you could imagine my Dharma getting many stream of white (sort of opaque, not clear and not solid white) lights  and protected by the lights,, I will be so grateful if you could do this as often as you can,, or pray in words that she will be protected by angels and protected by these white beam of lights.. I really could use a lot of healing energy.  This virus is very mean and stubborn and I could use all of your healing wish and positive energy…


I lost my dearest Naomi (Dharma’s sister) and Peter in August to the same disease.. I just cannot afford to lose Dharma.. please help and support Dharma get through this and beat the disease..




Hideyo and Dharma..

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