Thank you Gina. It's the strangest thing with Spencer... Everytime I think he's down for the count, (beginning with his disappearing act that horrible day), he bounces back. Having accepted his fate when I thought he'd crawled away to die has given me a strange sort of peace about him. It's like all the time we've spent together since starting his dex shots are gravy. I'm so grateful for this time together, prepared for his passing, and yet somehow I'm still remaining optimistic that this is all just a big mistake and he's going to rebound and be with me a very long time. Maybe all that spiritual work with the Serenity prayer is finally paying off! The last few nights he's been sleeping in my bed, something he never did before. It's such a pleasure to reach down and pet his skinny body next to mine. What a marvel this guy is! Yesterday he spent the entire day loose in the bedroom with my PTSD kitty, Matilda. I can't believe he's making such a difference in the lives around him while his time is seemingly winding down. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.

Gina WN wrote:

I'm glad to hear from you. Thoughts and prayers are with Spence and you. Gina

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