Hi Leslie, yes these are the asthma herbs.  My vet liked the combination of the Feline Immune Support pills for his immune system and these herbs that are for the asthma, but also immune support.  I hadn't heard that herbs were hard on cats - I knew that essential oils were to be avoided, but had thought herbs to be a safe alternative, I'd be interested to hear more on that.
He doesn't object to them mixed into his food at all, in fact, first I mixed in with a lot of food to dilute it (it's a very fine powder), and he'd lose interest as he got full, so I'd lose some to the scavenging kitten (who at 5.5 lbs already has a bigger ration than her 13 lb counterpart).  Just yesterday, I mixed his dose (it's about 1/8 teaspoon twice a day) in a couple teaspoons of wet food and he gobbled it right down.  Now I can control more easily that he is the one getting that medication.  It smells kind of chocolatey to me...a deep smell, not offensive, but I haven't tasted it yet, I should just to see (maybe get some blue dragon action going myself).
He's been on it about a week and a half and his progress seems to continue.  It's hard to tell, though, admittedly.  He'll go a few days with only a slight huff, and then he'll do the cough/inhale.  His "fits" aren't nearly as prolonged as Fritz's on the link that you sent me (thank you very much, those were very interesting) - his cough/inhales last maybe three seconds, then he swallows hard and walks on, but as your links highlighted, it's no indication that a serious, prolonged attack might not occur.  I don't know what he's inhaling that's triggering it, I can't think of any obvious changes.  I have the Dyson Animal Vac, so I'll try and use it more (don't know how Mom got him in cahoots with her!) and I'll see about getting an air cleaner like you suggested. 
My vet is optimistic that his dosage will be able to be cut back, she said that many cats respond well to this.  The container of powder cost $22.50 and I'd hope to get at least two months out of it...maybe more.
I'll be sure to keep you up to date with progress reports.
From: "Leslie Lawther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Coughing Satchmo, Mindboggling Medication

*Leslie - so these are the herbs you are using for FeLV or for Satch's
asthma?  Do you find that these are helping?  I know herbs are hard on a
cat's system... so I'm really curious how this is working for Satch and how
he is accepting them into his food.  I'm VERY interested in how this

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