This news made my day!!  I'm so pleased to hear that little sprite is doing better!  Hooray, hooray!  The two of you have been on my mind and it's such a relief to hear how well she's doing.

If I were you, I'd go ahead and tell my vet that I got a hold of some Prednisolone and KNOW for a fact that she does better on it.  I've been through this sort of thing with my vets too, (Ha!  As if I haven't shared just about everything I go through with you people).  One thing that I did to help 'reluctant to take my word for it vets' along, was to find other vets that had tried the protocols I was interested in.  I just get out the phone book and start calling around.  I would pass their names and experiences of success on to my vets.  I'm pretty sure my vets finally just throw their arms in the air and go ahead and write prescriptions because I can be such a royal pain in the a** until they do.  If your vet doesn't have the answers, he should be more willing to listen and try different things that you come up with.  It puts a tremendous responsibility on our shoulders, but what else are we going to do?  I have yet to find a vet that is as committed to my animal's care as I am.  Maybe that's just the way it has to be.
Big hugs to you and yours,

Lucy's doing great, knock on wood. Thanks for asking. I am very slowly tapering her pred for her ibd, and she is down to 8.75 mg/day. Still a lot, but a lot less than 15 mg/day, which she was on for a while.  My big thing now is trying to get my vet to order prednisolone versus prednisone.  Someone sent me a bottle of prednisolone, and I think she does better on it than prednisone, but I can't exactly tell my vet that I got some through the mail and tried it, so am trying to convince him based on what I have read.  But her weight is stable at around 8.5 pounds, solid stool once per day, very hungry, no vomiting, very active, etc.  Knock on wood again.  I am always worried about jinxing her.
Thanks again,

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