Hi Everyone,
It's still difficult for me to write about Spencer... I'm still so raw and depleted from the whole experience, but I wanted you to know that I read and appreciated all of your heartfelt posts about him. Thank you so very much for making such an emotional time easier to bear. I too, unfortunately, more times than I can count, have sat at the computer reading with tears streaming down my face over the pain of someone's loss. I'm sorry you experienced that sadness vicariously through Spence and I, but it's kind of nice in a way, a sort of testament to our love for these very special friends, to know they can evoke such a response. It did help to know that so many people got to "know" him through my stories of our journey together. Bruce is heading out of town for a week, when he gets back I'm going to ask him to put some pictures of Spencer on my dog training website so you can all see what he looked like. In the meantime, Belinda has been kind enough to post our story and one of his pictures to the CLS, (just click on the little rainbow circle next to his name): http://bemikitties.com/cls I went and looked at my Princess Grace and Jazzy's memorials and it's so comforting that our fur kids have this wonderful tribute. It helps to see them there. Thank you once again to James and Belinda and all those that contribute to the ongoing support of this list.
Big hugs and lots of love to you all,

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